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Over the years I have been lucky enough to work with hundreds of dogs and meet so many families. It is extremely important to me to cultivate a trusting relationship with my clients. I care about your dog just as much as I care about my own dog. These clients below mean the absolute world to me. I would NOT be here without them! Please enjoy reading about all of these success stories from some hard working dog owners!

01: Luiza & Koda 


" I have so many great things to say about Maggie and MMK9. I started working with Maggie 2 years ago when my pup (Koda) was only 8 months old. He was a very rambunctious dog with lots of energy. After the first session with Maggie I noticed a huge difference in his behavior and after 4 sessions with Maggie my little trouble maker became a model citizen ;) . I started being able to take Koda everywhere with me, which was my main goal, and he became an amazing off leash dog who made hikes so much fun! I tell everyone about Maggie and I will continue to do so because she is that amazing! Maggie creates a safe environment where you and your dog get to learn so much while also creating a strong bond. If you’re looking for a trainer who will never judge, is knowledgeable -and continues to strive to become the best version of herself as a trainer- and will be there with you every step of the way, then you have found her! Koda and I will forever be grateful for Maggie and Mae! "

02: Ariana, Erika & Luna


" Maggie is the best investment we have made in our dog and ourselves, hands down. She is the most knowledgeable, kind, thoughtful, and engaged trainer we have ever experienced. Maggie has shifted the way we understand our own lives with a dog in it, as well as what we can do and expect from ourselves as dog owners. Our Luna is very high energy and high drive, a ball of energy: we went into training with Maggie hoping to get Luna to stop pulling on her leash and “listen to us more” when around distractions like dogs and squirrels. Little did we know we would get that, and so much more in our time with Maggie. 


When we met Maggie, we were at a dog-parenting low. Luna had just been removed from her pack hike group, and we were overwhelmed and confused why all the things we were trying didn’t seem to work. In comes Maggie, and in just a few lessons, we had a completely different dog, a completely different life, and a whole new understanding of dogs and their behaviors. Luna now has near-perfect recall off leash, walks in a perfect heel, can stop mid-play and lie down, interacts with dogs beautifully (and with permission), and will stay in place calmly instead of going bonkers around the house. We have structure that helps our dog understand her own boundaries and limits, as well as helps us as humans live our lives. 


Luna also LOVES Maggie, probably more than she loves us! So we always trust her with boarding Luna. We know we never need to worry about her in Maggie’s hands, and we always get back a tired and very happy dog because she had all her needs met. Maggie has been such an incredibly important part of our lives: she has changed our expectations of a life we can live with a high-energy dog and continues to remind us of the importance of consistency and structure with our Luna. She helps us problem-solve and understand Luna as new things pop up or we make changes in our life (like moving!). 


Whenever we feel stressed about Luna, we take comfort in knowing we have Maggie to help us understand her and provide some insight/peace of mind. She is always our first choice with boarding, and knows our Luna so well. Maggie is considered a part of our family now, and we are so eternally thankful for that. If you’re reading this wondering if Maggie is the right choice for you, look no further. If you are willing to put in the work and consistency to give your dog their best life, Maggie is the best step you can take on that journey. "

03: Kayte, Kate & Tilly


" We rescued a puppy named Tilly in October, and although she is a smart, easygoing girl and had no behaviors (outside of being a puppy), we decided to invest in training to help her reach her full potential. We were on the fence given how expensive private training can get, but it was hands down the best decision we could have made. We’ve been working with Maggie who has been nothing short of incredible - she taught us how best to communicate with our pup and has already gotten her to a place at only 6 months old that we never could’ve achieved on our own. Maggie is so friendly and personable, our sessions never feel like work. Not to mention, Tilly absolutely goes nuts when Maggie comes over and has officially granted her auntie status  We constantly receive compliments on how well behaved Tilly is and everyone is always surprised to find out that she’s still a baby. Although we still have the teenager phase ahead of us, we feel so much more confident knowing we have Maggie’s support to get us through it. If you’re sitting on the fence like we were - we promise, you won’t regret investing in your dog. We are endlessly grateful for Maggie and MMK9 and cannot recommend them enough! "

04: Margaret, Cole & Piper


" Maggie worked with our 1 year old Vizsla and completely blew us out of the water with how impactful her work was! We went into training with a wild, chaotically energetic puppy, and felt like we came out with an incredibly well trained dog, and it legitimately took only three lessons. While previously we had to worry about and watch Piper at basically all times, now she stays on her place quietly when asked, walks in a perfect heel on leash, doesn't jump on counters or people, lies down in the middle of playing with another dog when asked, and interacts beautifully with all dogs, people, and kids! The biggest change was apparent at work - after training, people stopped by my desk almost daily to say something along the lines of "Wow, Piper has calmed down so much!" Piper is capable of hanging out quietly and calmly for an entire workday, which has changed the game for us. We know this is because of Maggie's awesome training (of both Piper and us!), and it's really made having a dog totally enjoyable (and never stressful). We tell anyone we know that spending the money to train with Maggie is the best money you'll ever spend on a dog. "

05: Shelby, Sean & Cooper


" Maggie has been nothing short of incredible with helping us train our pup. She met Cooper as a 15 week old head strong puppy who loved a good temper tantrum and helped him grow up to be a good, good boy. I always wanted a dog who could be off leash, was great at recall and didn’t pull while on walks and that’s exactly what we got with Maggie’s help and guidance every step of the way. I have, and will continue to, recommend Maggie and MMK9 to anyone who mentions they want/need dog training!! "

06: Caitlin, Billy & Scooby


Scooby was a recuse from Mississippi and came into our lives in September. The rescue estimated he was about a year and a half and with that being said he was a complete street dog with high anxiety with under developed manners. My husband and I invested in training and it has been the best decision yet, Maggie has been absolutely spectacular and I couldn't be more thankful that MMK9 brought Maggie into our lives. After the first session Scooby had a different look out on listening skills and proven himself to be a very smart fella. From our consultation in October to now mid April the magic that Maggie gives out has made Scooby do a complete 360. My favorite part of these home sessions is that each visit she will bring a positive new game plan to the table and it will constantly advance Scooby in the next stage of training. I could not recommend MMK9 Training enough, Maggie changing lives one session at a time! "

07: Kaitlyn & Tilly


" I cannot recommend MMK9 and Maggie enough! I rescued my three year old dog in January of 2022. When I got her she was terrified of everything; but especially dogs. Working with Maggie has honestly been life changing. My dog, Tilly, now has the confidence to heel past other dogs, be comfortable outside and even be able to take treats, be in a "break" state around other dogs and just overall feel so much more happy and comfortable. Maggie has taught us so many essential skills in and outside our home and I see improvements with Tilly after every session with Maggie. She is a phenomenal, patient, kind and knowledgeable dog trainer that I would recommend to anyone who is looking for help with obedience, reactivity, fear, aggression, confidence or any other issue with their dog! She is truly the best! "

08: Meghan & Reese


 " Maggie is absolutely incredible! I reached out to her a few months after rescuing my dog Reese to help with basic dog training as well as leash reactivity. The first day I met Maggie she told me I would be able to walk Reese down the street with a hot coffee in one hand and her leash in the other. Initially I didn’t believe her, but she was right, today I walk Reese down the street with a coffee in one hand and a leash in the other.
Maggie is patient, thorough, and knowledgeable. She truly loves the dogs she works with and wants the dogs and owners to succeed. She adapted every training lesson to meet Reese’s needs.She taught me how to communicate with Reese, and learn her cues. She even incorporated my family members who babysit Reese into our training sessions to ensure that we were all on the same page. Reese and I worked with Maggie for almost a year and it was so worth it, I wouldn’t change a thing. I can’t tell you how many compliments I get from friends, family and total strangers on the street telling me how wonderfully behaved Reese is and more importantly how in tune we are with each other. It’s all thanks to Maggie.
Here we are nearly a year later after graduating from training with Maggie and I still send her updates almost every month. She cares so deeply for her clients and is so proud of the progress we’ve made and is still available for any questions even a year later. I highly recommend Maggie and can’t thank her enough for everything. "

09: Nicole, Chris & Odin


" My husband and I worked with multiple trainers and training organizations after adopting our 1 year old 75lb Shepard, Chow, Lab mix, Odin. After 3 years of not getting the results we were hoping for or promised, our dog still had on and off leash aggression, issues with resource guarding, and obedience problems. We were very hesitant to work with another dog trainer, but Maggie came highly recommended from a co-worker, so we agreed to a consultation. 


Maggie's patience and expertise in dog training from day 1 were nothing short of remarkable. She took the time to travel to our home, assess Odin’s specific needs, and tailored a training program that aligned with our goals. Her positive reinforcement methods and gentle guidance were not only effective but also easy for us to implement. Over the past 6 months Maggie didn't just teach Odin to obey commands; she taught us how to communicate with our dog effectively.


In Maggie, we found a friend, mentor, and expert who has made an indelible mark on our lives. She is an extraordinary woman who has a gift for transforming dogs and their owners. Thank you, Maggie, for making our journey with Odin an amazing one.


Thank you for everything,

Chris & Nicole "

10: Jenny, Brandon & Stella


" We began working with Maggie when our dog, Stella (a highly anxious rescue pup) was about a year old. Maggie was just the person we needed to help us understand how to manage Stella’s anxiety. With two young kids, her behaviors had become unmanageable and we were questioning whether we could safely keep her in our home. Maggie was patient, kind and non-judgmental, yet confident and firm. She was truly committed to doing whatever we needed and was there to help us create a plan that worked for Stella and our family.
As new dog owners, we loved Stella very much but didn’t know how to best manage her behaviors. We committed to working with Maggie and saw immediate changes. Maggie thoughtfully created a routine for Stella, teaching us the skills we needed to help her succeed. If new concerns ever arose, Maggie has always been just text or phone call away to help problem solve.
Maggie’s love of dogs, coupled with her immense knowledge, experience and skill allowed us to keep Stella in our family. Working with Maggie, we learned there is no “magic pill," but that with consistent techniques, clear expectations, and understanding the causes of Stella’s behavior we could achieve long term improvements, and bring the best out of our dog and her relationship with our family! We highly recommend Maggie Mader for anyone in need of training or boarding. No one will care better for you and your pet!  "

11: Lauren, Andrew & Ryder


" We can’t say enough amazing things about Maggie and how she supported us with training Ryder! Ryder is a Miniature Australian Shepherd and before training with Maggie, Ryder would pull on his leash; bark at other dogs, people and bikes passing by; and would bark/seem nervous with new people he didn’t know. Maggie truly helped us better understand Ryder - both his strengths and areas where he struggled and how to best support him as his dog owners. Maggie built our confidence and strengthened our knowledge & awareness of dog behavior. Now walks with Ryder are so enjoyable now that he can do a great heel on AND off leash, as well as fantastic recall! We love that we can use the skills and commands she taught us at home and in the community and fully trust that Ryder will listen & respond. We will always recommend Maggie to any dog owners who are looking for support! "

12: Anna & Auggie


" I reached out to Maggie Mader over Labor Day Weekend last year based on a referral from a family member. I contacted for help with a Cavachon puppy I had gotten from a breeder a couple of months prior. I explained that he had serious separation anxiety as well as nervousness that presented with lunging with people as well as dogs. He would bark excessively indoors as well as outdoors. I truly had concerns that I made a mistake by taking on this little guy. Fast forward to six months later and I can't imagine a day without this lovable guy. He loves people and even more, he loves his doggie friends. Maggie helped me understand what Auggie needed and how to bring order into Auggies world. Auggie came to me afraid of the world and did not know how to begin to deal with noise, people, dogs and even unfamiliar objects that he encountered. Maggie has brought calm and focus and order to Auggies world and in turn, mine. I am so grateful to Maggie and to my cousin for the initial referral. I highly recommend Maggie as a trainer. "

13: Hadley, Tundra & Denali


" Maggie Mader is an absolute joy to work with. From the first time I contacted her she got back to me quickly, answered all my questions, informed me of the process, and got us scheduled for the first appointment. From the first lesson with Maggie, I saw immediate improvement in Tundra. Each lesson had a new focus and was individually tailored to Tundra and I’s needs. Tundra came to me with resource guarding, and I had tried everything I could think of and research and nothing worked until I started working with Maggie. Given that Tundra is a Husky, I never thought I could teach her recall or to trust her off leash as huskies are notorious for running off and not coming back, however with the skills Maggie has taught us, Tundra was safely able to be recalled after slipping out of her collar, something I never thought I’d be able to say about a Husky after growing up with two others. Maggie was so fantastic to work with the first time around with Tundra, that it was a no brainer to use her again with our newest puppy, Denali. After just one lesson, Denali has learned skills that I tried for months on my own to teach him in just an hour with Maggie. I do not know how she does it, but Maggie is truly magical in her way around dogs, and I would recommend her to anyone. Not only is she fantastic with the pups and treats them like her own, but she is also incredibly personable, funny, kind, easy and comfortable to be around, quick to respond, and always available to answer questions even if it is months away from the last time you have worked with or talked to her. I could not ask for a better trainer and would recommend her without hesitation to anyone looking for a dog trainer. "

14: Jamie, Ryan & Ivy


" Maggie is an absolute gem of a dog trainer! She amazed me during the consultation giving us a lesson on dog psychology which was fascinating. She explained everything so well talking about the training program and exactly what to expect. We reached out to Maggie because our dog could not walk on a leash, she would lay down and pull and it was miserable bringing her on walks. She can now heel off leash on a busy road and her recall is amazing. We get so many compliments on how well our dog is behaved thanks to Maggie. If you have a dog I recommend reaching out to Maggie to make your life easier. Her training program works and I was surprised with the amount of improvement seen after every session. "

15: Laura, Alex & Halle


" Maggie was SO helpful with our high energy 2 year old German Shepherd, Halle. Halle was extremely vocal when riding in our car (couldn’t contain her excitement) and when people would arrive to our house (sometimes excitement, sometimes territorial). Maggie truly understood how Halle operated and was able to help us correct both circumstances so well! She also helped us prepare Halle to be a big sister to our newborn. 


Maggie’s positive energy, professionalism, expertise, and kind hearted demeanor made our lessons fun! It was incredible to see the level of respect and love our dog had for Maggie. I highly recommend Maggie and her training services. Five stars!! "

16: Ezra, Sarah & Tazzie


" Maggie is a very attentive and available trainer - we interviewed many, and what separates Maggie from the rest is her incredibly passion for dogs and all animals.  It was very apparent that she really cared about Tazzie and her development - Tazzie wasn't just a job to her.  She creates great structure and focuses not just on the dog, but on the owners to create long-lasting impact. "

17: Elivira & Enzo


" After my dog and I moved to Boston, I started noticing a lot of behavioral issues with Enzo. From walking on the leash to not being able to interact with dogs, aggression, and being extremely reactive. Maggie changed everything! She was able to pinpoint Enzo’s issues and work so patiently with us. The first day of training Enzo was walking on the leash 10x better than ever. He can now recall and walk entirely off leash. He also finally plays well with other dogs! Enzo’s confidence in the park and overall behavior has improved tremendously. Maggie was always there to answer any messages and was always down to do another session if something came up. My dog loved her so much! She was even able to give some pointers on integrating a new puppy into the family as well. I would highly, highly recommend her to anyone needing some training for their dog! Amazing one on one work with someone who is truly passionate about what they do. "

18: Marie & Elijah


" When we first got Elijah, he was so sick for several months. After he was better, he was a big boy at 7 months, and very hard to control because he was too sick to really train well. I learned about MMK9, and Maggie from a co worker. From running around, and not listening at all to being outside OFF LEASH, Maggie really helped us get to a good place with him. I didn’t see how it would be possible, but it happened!

Maggie helped me get to live a dream I always had…to walk my dog down the street safely, and so we both could have a good time! I can’t say how much I recommend this company, and this trainer! "

19: Maya, Neha & Rohan


" We could not recommend Maggie enough to anyone looking for a dog trainer! She's been helping us train our dog Maya since we got her as a puppy, almost three years ago now. Our family is quite afraid of dogs, and so making sure our pup was trained well from the beginning was very important to us. My husband and I were both first time dog-owners, and Maya is quite a smart but stubborn dog! Maggie was amazing from the beginning, and her lessons were more about teaching us how to teach Maya correctly. She equipped us with all the tools we needed to help Maya to be her best self, and to make sure we're setting her up for success! After our lessons were formally over, Maggie was still always available - when we moved from the city to the suburbs and Maya picked up some new unexpected habits, Maggie was always there to give us refreshers and pointers on how to adapt to the new challenges. Now that Maya is older, we absolutely love sending Maya to board with Maggie when we go on vacation - Maya clearly adores Maggie (and Mae!), to the point where she gets zoomies whenever she sees Maggie's car approaching. We know she's in great hands while we're away, and then when we come back, Maya is even better at everything that she's already great at, and never picks up any new bad habits! We are truly the proudest dog parents when people compliment how well trained Maya is, and it is all thanks to Maggie! "

20: Gavi, Tyler & Bronco


" My partner and I adopted Bronco in June, and while we both have had pets when we were younger, this was the first time the responsibility solely was on us. Bronco was a love bug right from the beginning, but after a few days we realized that we would need help if we wanted Bronco to live the best life possible. He was all over the place in terms of manners, very excitable, and had bad leash reactivity- all of this was very overwhelming, and multiple times we felt in over our heads. That is, of course, until we started working with Maggie.  After the initial consult, we IMMEDIATELY felt better.  Maggie exuded confidence, spoke honestly and earnestly, and interacted with Bronco so beautifully.  Prior to Maggie, we were often nervous taking Bronco for walks because he would pull very badly and react poorly when we would see another dog.  Now, we can take Bronco with us everywhere (coffee shops, breweries, dog stores, farmers markets, parks), and not worry about how he will react.  He often gets compliments when we are out about how well behaved he is, something that we didn't imagine was possible in the beginning.  Maggie has empowered us as owners, and taught/given us every tool we could possibly need to succeed.  Whenever we had a question or concern, Maggie was there to answer in a thoughtful and helpful manner.  She is an expert in her field who is constantly trying to learn more because she truly loves her job. Maggie is extremely professional and friendly, and I am so thankful for her and what she has done for us. Bronco is truly an amazing dog, and with the help of Maggie, he is able to shine even more. "

21: Bailey, Matt & Ranger

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"We had a phenomenal experience working with Maggie. When people ask us about working with Maggie, the first thing I typically say is "If I had known the end result was going to be this good, I would have paid triple the price". My wife and I have a super active bird dog and after a year into his life, it was clear we needed some help with training. His recall was inconsistent, he was really rambunctious around the house, and we just didn't trust him enough to take him out socially. That all changed since working with Maggie. She came to our house for a consultation that lasted two hours and it was clear she wanted to get to know the unique needs of our dog and immediately formed a connection with Ranger. From there, we crafted a plan and did 4-5 sessions together that each had detailed homework. The results have been incredible - we are now completely confident Ranger will do whatever we ask and we are fearless about bringing him into public. He is "place trained" in the house, he has mastered off leash heels, and he responds to "down" from distance in the woods. With this core training in place, we are no longer shy about having guests who are nervous around dogs and I can run or bike with Ranger off leash in the woods. We consistently have people stop us in public and tell us "That is the most well trained dog I have even seen". We couldn't recommend Maggie enough. It is well worth the investment. "

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